Thursday, April 1, 2010

This isn't crazy! It's progress!!!!

Cheers to France! Those bloody aristos and their caste, finally overthrown! This is the most progressive month that will ever come. I'm sure that September, 1792 will be a mark in world history. No longer are we to be kicked around. The only problem now is that demmed elusive Scarlet Pimpernel. He is ruining everything. Doesn't he know that because the monarchy was overthrown, France could start progressing. Who said cutting off those aristocratic heads is a sin? They're aristos and they deserve to die.

That demmed idiot! No matter, I will find him and watch with pleasure as his head rolls down the guillotine. Yes, that will be the day! I will stop at nothing to destroy this hazardous enemy. Some people would say "Cheer up! At least we plebeians cannot be thrashed for simply loving the daughter of an aristocrat." They say the cup is half full, but I think otherwise. It is half empty and will never be complete until we find he Scarlet Pimpernel! I will find him for France!

1 comment:

  1. The new french government is a pile of turd, they kill for the fun of it. Progress is for the good of man, not this! Those Aristocrats don't deserve anything close to the punishment the new French government is putting them through. That demmed idiot, my god, he is most likly talking about the scarlet pimpernel. He will never do his goal of finding my master.

    -Sir Andrew
