Monday, April 19, 2010

The Other Part of the Story

My goodness! The Scarlet Pimpernel has done it again. He has tricked me through and through, and I am NOT happy. I really thought I had him that night at the creek by the channel, but No! Here, this is what happened.
So, after my soldiers and I left the beat up Jew and that poor woman, Marguerite, we headed for the creek the Scarlet Pimpernel had written in his note, the note that the fugitives had so mistakenly left behind. We arrived there around 2:30 in the morning and were very tired. Almost all of my soldiers had fallen asleep except for a couple. Lucky them! I guess I won’t have to give them one of my terrifying punishments! I had had enough of these soldiers; they let that demmed Blakeney escape again, even with my ingenious trap set up, and then when the runaways made a horrible mistake by leaving information on where the Scarlet Pimpernel has hidden, my men fell asleep! I guess it is just as well though. I now realize that that the note was a fake. He didn’t really come to the creek, and all that waiting was for nothing. I really don’t know how he does it. It is like he has some kind of power to make him impossible to capture! There is also another thing on my mind. The following morning I had sent out one of men to pick up Marguerite and the Jew. Then, he came back empty handed and explained that he had looked everywhere, but there were no people anywhere. That really got me thinking. How in the world did they escape? Marguerite was unconscious, and the Jew could barely move. Then I realized something very, VERY horrible. The Scarlet Pimpernel must have hidden somewhere else, and then rescued his wife and the Jew! Then they escaped to England. If I am wrong, please forgive me, but, I am pretty sure it is something like that.
Well I must go now, as you see, I NEED to find that Scarlet Pimpernel! If I don’t, well, the government says that they will need to find another person to catch him. I cannot have that happen. I need to be the one to catch him! I need to have the pride and glory! You see how hard I have worked! So please let me know if you see any sign of him! Do it for France! PLEASE!

PS: This is how I see the Scarlet Pimpernel after I catch him!! Ha!

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