Thursday, April 15, 2010

English Society...UGH!

So everyone thinks English society is so great. UGH! Well, every commoner in France, particularly me, simply thinks it is absolutely atrocious. The English are too lavish and arrogant! I mean, there are poor people starving to death, while they are at the opera, or at some fancy ball. It is always about fashion, etiquette, and this and that. That is why, my friends, we are trying to kill (or should I say eliminate) everyone noble. It just makes the most sense for us, don’t you agree? If not, you are just as bad, as any other noble and shall be sent to the guillotine. To make matters worse, I found out that some Englishman, so loyal to any king, would go out of his way to save these demmed nobles, I was absolutely up in arms! I had heard that he had saved dozens of lives and could not be caught! I had had enough, I, myself would go out to find this man. I was so, SO close, I had found out who the Scarlet Pimpernel was, and had a brilliant trap set up, but then he succeeded again, disguised as a Jew! Oh him and his odd ways. Who would have thought that he was by my side the entire way. I will get him next time though! So in general, you can say that I am absolutely NOT a fan of the English or English society.

PS: Here are some facts on English Society in the 18th Century!


  1. English, Aragant!?! I will have the Scarlet Pimpernell free every single one of his Prisoners. Killing all the nobles, my god, I hate chauvelin. He is stupid, Killing nobles,"It just makes the most sense for us, don’t you agree?" He still doesn't deserve to die but if anyone does he does. Saving those demmed nobles, Me and the gang? Of course, its so easy. But Chavelin, messing with the Scarlet Pimpernels wife, Never.

    With hate.
    -Sir Andrew-

  2. I think that the English is wasting their money for balls and parties and they can use that money to help the poor.
