Thursday, April 1, 2010

Democratic Health Care

Look at America and the way they vote; this is what I was fighting for and now it has spread all over the world. As you probably know the healthcare bill was just passed. I love the idea of congress being able to represent the citoyens of America. That’s what the French revolution’s all about, isn’t it? I mean, we were trying to eliminate the king so that we could have a democracy. How the Americans fought the Brits of for freedom is just what we did, and it gave them their own power. Voting… Democracy… America is great.

Don’t get me wrong I hate the things in the healthcare bill; I just love the way they decided. Who’s ever heard of raising taxes on the rich to “help” the poor? I am totally against raising taxes; I already have healthcare! What if I didn’t have healthcare? They expect me to pay a fine. They might as well give me a ticket for eating escargot. I take that back; I do not hate the bill, but just being of upper-middle class I don’t want to have to take my salary down so my taxes go down too. If I could change the healthcare bill, I would only make the ka-zillionaires have their taxes raised.

I guess the healthcare bill is okay, but the thing about American healthcare is I don’t care! I’m French and I’m living large in France. I don’t need American healthcare. I love the whole democracy thing, but France is a democracy too. Having people represent the citoyens is what’s right, and when it comes to America that’s all I care about.

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