Monday, April 19, 2010

Spies to the Rescue! (Secret Spoiler)

The address on top of this is my one of a kind ‘Pixton…’ It is just one click away! SO CLICK ON IT OR ELSE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS HEAD WILL BE CHOPPED OFF IN THE GUILLOTINE!!!

Have you heard of this movie called 'Spy Kids?' Well I just watched that movie and two children's parents were spy's and they had to fight an evil person; like the Scarlet Pimpernel! And the two children's parents got taken so the two children had to act like spies and help and take back their parents. I wish I was a spy when I was a kid but I wouldn't have been spy unless that demmed Scarlet Pimpernel wasn't helping save the aristocrats. But you know if I didn't give them some inspiration they wouldn't have been 'kid spies.' Your welcome, but don't worry I won't charge you for stealing my inspiration. But I will charge the Scarlet Pimpernel (a.k.a. Sir Percy).

Those were just some of my opinions (and my version of the trailer) now these are the facts... There is two kids and their parents are spies; just like me, but at the time they didn't know that they were. Somehow they accidentally pressed a button and got sucked in an underwater bomb shaped submarine and went to their parents hide out (the younger boy was 8 and the older sister was 11 or 12). The intercom/T.V. said that their parents were in danger and they needed to save them. They went to their uncles shop and asked if their dad was his brother; they showed him a picture, and he said yes. So the two children asked him if they could stay and eat dinner; but he said it very stubborn, hard to convince, and didn't let them at first... But he finally said yes (later). So they stayed with him for a night... That what he thought but really in the middle of the night they stole some spy equipment and a small airplane/ helicopter and fled to save their parents. There is two other kinds of villains... One of them had a head that was a thumb and hands and legs as their other body parts and the other looked just like every child in the entire world; or atleast most of them. So the evil man; who taken the children's mom and dad, had this kind of clay that if you put certain wires on a persons head you could mold the special clay and it would make the person look like the creature you formed... I wish I had some of that then I could mutate the Scarlet Pimpernels face then when he was on the guillotine everyone would be laughing at him because his face was SO ugly! But at the end the Uncle, two children, and the parents defeated the Scarlet Pimpernel... Oh did I say the Scarlet Pimpernel I mean the bad guy! MWAHAHAHAHA!


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