Monday, April 19, 2010

Have you heard?...

Have you heard of Twain Mark? Wait, what's that? Oh... Well, Mark Twain, same difference. He wrote a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I love the book except for the ending. That is the only thing that I dislike about it. The ending was very weird, for the antagonist won. Why would Mark Twain let Tom Sawyer get away? If Injun Joe died, Tom and Becky should have died, too! This is just like the Scarlet Pimpernel. Injun Joe deserved to live! What did he do wrong? I see myself as Injun Joe chasing after Tom, except not dying physically, but from dignity and pride.

Life is not always fair. I want the Scarlet Pimpernel to leave us alone, but NOOOOO!, he just won't! I love the book because I can feel the connection between Injun Joe and Tom. Like... Injun Joe : Tom Sawyer:: Me : Scarlet Pimpernel! Though I said that it was a fairly decent book, what still troubles me is the ending! The book can be negative at some points especially for younger children. The antagonist tricking others into whitewashing a fence was the scariest part. So strange for the book to end by the protaganist dying slowly in a cave...


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