Monday, April 19, 2010

A Great Feeling

   I, Spy Chauvelin, tortured a Jew. He was really getting on my last nerves. And I am a republican. Every single republican hates Religion and how selfish clergy is. This is why we kicked them out of France! If they don't, then they aren't really a republican. I told my men to whip the man. He was lucky I was in a good mood. I was going to capture the Scarlet Pimpernel! So I didn't kill him.

    I was also feeling good after being mean to the Jew. I dropped his money so  he would have to bend down at the Chat Gris. Then I told him if he moved a muscle, we would find him and torture him again. His neck might even met the sharp blade of the guillotine.


  1. I have no idea how anyone could get joy out of beating an old man, but I don't understand a lot of things about the French Government. I hope that you have learned your lesson about trying to fool me. Never get near England again or you'll be sorry.

  2. How could you do such a thing to that poor old man, especially since it was my husband. If you have the joy of beating an old man then you have a very messed up mind. If you even set foot in England again I will make sure you will be very sorry.


  3. I Marguerite, think that you are so mean and rude. Just to wacked that Jew. He is also my husband and I think you should go to obedience school. Learn some proper manners. You will be sorry if you hurt my husband again. We can even send you to jail in England. We will meet again if we have the chance.

  4. How could you do that to a poor old man?! He was very nice. Chauveline, you are so mean! You are also very predujiced against Jews. I don't really care about religion when I judge a person. All I care about is whether the person has a good personality or not. You have issues.

    The Scarlet Pimpernel (aka Sir Percy)

    P.S. I was the Jew :)

  5. I cant see how you can do that to a person. I was the jew and it was brilliant by me to act like the jew knowing that you hat jews.

  6. Chauvelin, you are such a STUPID man! You need to notice the world around you, including that Jew. If you had, you would have had the S.P. set perfectly in your trap! You probably heard, but I will tell anyway. I was the JEW you hobbnocker!! You are such a dimwit...... and it would've been fun to fight you and your minion soldiers off. Oh well. Too bad for you!

  7. You mean man. You be coursed by God for your attacks against the clergy. And you dare to fell good about it. You will be put in the guillotine at the end. But first you will feel the pain you put on all those you treated like poo.
