Monday, April 19, 2010

A Great Feeling

   I, Spy Chauvelin, tortured a Jew. He was really getting on my last nerves. And I am a republican. Every single republican hates Religion and how selfish clergy is. This is why we kicked them out of France! If they don't, then they aren't really a republican. I told my men to whip the man. He was lucky I was in a good mood. I was going to capture the Scarlet Pimpernel! So I didn't kill him.

    I was also feeling good after being mean to the Jew. I dropped his money so  he would have to bend down at the Chat Gris. Then I told him if he moved a muscle, we would find him and torture him again. His neck might even met the sharp blade of the guillotine.

Spies to the Rescue! (Secret Spoiler)

The address on top of this is my one of a kind ‘Pixton…’ It is just one click away! SO CLICK ON IT OR ELSE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS HEAD WILL BE CHOPPED OFF IN THE GUILLOTINE!!!

Have you heard of this movie called 'Spy Kids?' Well I just watched that movie and two children's parents were spy's and they had to fight an evil person; like the Scarlet Pimpernel! And the two children's parents got taken so the two children had to act like spies and help and take back their parents. I wish I was a spy when I was a kid but I wouldn't have been spy unless that demmed Scarlet Pimpernel wasn't helping save the aristocrats. But you know if I didn't give them some inspiration they wouldn't have been 'kid spies.' Your welcome, but don't worry I won't charge you for stealing my inspiration. But I will charge the Scarlet Pimpernel (a.k.a. Sir Percy).

Those were just some of my opinions (and my version of the trailer) now these are the facts... There is two kids and their parents are spies; just like me, but at the time they didn't know that they were. Somehow they accidentally pressed a button and got sucked in an underwater bomb shaped submarine and went to their parents hide out (the younger boy was 8 and the older sister was 11 or 12). The intercom/T.V. said that their parents were in danger and they needed to save them. They went to their uncles shop and asked if their dad was his brother; they showed him a picture, and he said yes. So the two children asked him if they could stay and eat dinner; but he said it very stubborn, hard to convince, and didn't let them at first... But he finally said yes (later). So they stayed with him for a night... That what he thought but really in the middle of the night they stole some spy equipment and a small airplane/ helicopter and fled to save their parents. There is two other kinds of villains... One of them had a head that was a thumb and hands and legs as their other body parts and the other looked just like every child in the entire world; or atleast most of them. So the evil man; who taken the children's mom and dad, had this kind of clay that if you put certain wires on a persons head you could mold the special clay and it would make the person look like the creature you formed... I wish I had some of that then I could mutate the Scarlet Pimpernels face then when he was on the guillotine everyone would be laughing at him because his face was SO ugly! But at the end the Uncle, two children, and the parents defeated the Scarlet Pimpernel... Oh did I say the Scarlet Pimpernel I mean the bad guy! MWAHAHAHAHA!


Have you heard?...

Have you heard of Twain Mark? Wait, what's that? Oh... Well, Mark Twain, same difference. He wrote a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I love the book except for the ending. That is the only thing that I dislike about it. The ending was very weird, for the antagonist won. Why would Mark Twain let Tom Sawyer get away? If Injun Joe died, Tom and Becky should have died, too! This is just like the Scarlet Pimpernel. Injun Joe deserved to live! What did he do wrong? I see myself as Injun Joe chasing after Tom, except not dying physically, but from dignity and pride.

Life is not always fair. I want the Scarlet Pimpernel to leave us alone, but NOOOOO!, he just won't! I love the book because I can feel the connection between Injun Joe and Tom. Like... Injun Joe : Tom Sawyer:: Me : Scarlet Pimpernel! Though I said that it was a fairly decent book, what still troubles me is the ending! The book can be negative at some points especially for younger children. The antagonist tricking others into whitewashing a fence was the scariest part. So strange for the book to end by the protaganist dying slowly in a cave...


The End of The Last Olympian

Hello again. I have been reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and oooohhhhhhhh it's amazing. My favorite book is The Last Olympian, which I'm reading now. I love how there is a spy, finally someone of my own kind. Personally, I would be with Kronos just because he's against someone named Percy, ooooooohhh, I cringe at the name. I'm about half wayt through the book; I'm at the part where all the campers are setting up their plan to defend Olympusl I'm really wondering what will happen in the end, so here is what I predict.

The Other Part of the Story

My goodness! The Scarlet Pimpernel has done it again. He has tricked me through and through, and I am NOT happy. I really thought I had him that night at the creek by the channel, but No! Here, this is what happened.
So, after my soldiers and I left the beat up Jew and that poor woman, Marguerite, we headed for the creek the Scarlet Pimpernel had written in his note, the note that the fugitives had so mistakenly left behind. We arrived there around 2:30 in the morning and were very tired. Almost all of my soldiers had fallen asleep except for a couple. Lucky them! I guess I won’t have to give them one of my terrifying punishments! I had had enough of these soldiers; they let that demmed Blakeney escape again, even with my ingenious trap set up, and then when the runaways made a horrible mistake by leaving information on where the Scarlet Pimpernel has hidden, my men fell asleep! I guess it is just as well though. I now realize that that the note was a fake. He didn’t really come to the creek, and all that waiting was for nothing. I really don’t know how he does it. It is like he has some kind of power to make him impossible to capture! There is also another thing on my mind. The following morning I had sent out one of men to pick up Marguerite and the Jew. Then, he came back empty handed and explained that he had looked everywhere, but there were no people anywhere. That really got me thinking. How in the world did they escape? Marguerite was unconscious, and the Jew could barely move. Then I realized something very, VERY horrible. The Scarlet Pimpernel must have hidden somewhere else, and then rescued his wife and the Jew! Then they escaped to England. If I am wrong, please forgive me, but, I am pretty sure it is something like that.
Well I must go now, as you see, I NEED to find that Scarlet Pimpernel! If I don’t, well, the government says that they will need to find another person to catch him. I cannot have that happen. I need to be the one to catch him! I need to have the pride and glory! You see how hard I have worked! So please let me know if you see any sign of him! Do it for France! PLEASE!

PS: This is how I see the Scarlet Pimpernel after I catch him!! Ha!

The Fresh Prince of France

The Fresh Prince of France

Friday, April 16, 2010

Chauvelin on The Incredibles

Those bloody Incredibles! They have superpowers! And to make matters worse, they're heroes! They should be villains like The Joker and Voldermort! They can stretch so far. I can sneak on people with that power. I can also reach the items I try to steal from people. It would be harder for the people I am trying to steal from to see me.

Now, if I could run fast, I would be able to capture the Scarlet Pimpernel in a flash. He wouldn't even see it coming! I would have taken him to the guillotine in a nanosecond.

If I had a shield, I would be able to run at ham without getting a scratch on me. He wouldn't even touch me, that demmed Scarlet Pimpernel. Than my men would come and catch him and that Traitor de Tournay.

Nay! I wouldn't need any of those powers if I could be super-strong! Then I could knockout the Scarlet Pimpernel, and all of his 19 friends. Than it would be the end of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

English Society...UGH!

So everyone thinks English society is so great. UGH! Well, every commoner in France, particularly me, simply thinks it is absolutely atrocious. The English are too lavish and arrogant! I mean, there are poor people starving to death, while they are at the opera, or at some fancy ball. It is always about fashion, etiquette, and this and that. That is why, my friends, we are trying to kill (or should I say eliminate) everyone noble. It just makes the most sense for us, don’t you agree? If not, you are just as bad, as any other noble and shall be sent to the guillotine. To make matters worse, I found out that some Englishman, so loyal to any king, would go out of his way to save these demmed nobles, I was absolutely up in arms! I had heard that he had saved dozens of lives and could not be caught! I had had enough, I, myself would go out to find this man. I was so, SO close, I had found out who the Scarlet Pimpernel was, and had a brilliant trap set up, but then he succeeded again, disguised as a Jew! Oh him and his odd ways. Who would have thought that he was by my side the entire way. I will get him next time though! So in general, you can say that I am absolutely NOT a fan of the English or English society.

PS: Here are some facts on English Society in the 18th Century!

The Deadly Enemy Revealed!

This surely cannot be! That Sir Percy has played his role exceedingly well in strength, speed, and grace. But now is his time to die! He cannot escape now. He's on French property. All of his moves will be to our advantage. I need time to think about this! All this time he slipped right under my nose! So much for being careful.. It was obvious, like a disaster just waiting to happen. Oh, woe is me! I feel bad for forcing Marguerite to save her brother. Wait, what am I saying?!

It was her choice: save her brother or kill the Scarlet Pimpernel. Now that I know the Scarlet Pimpernel is Sir Percy, it is going to be difficult to catch him, as he is the hero of England. Would it really be worth it to kill him and have all these Englishmen pile in and destroy our progress? If too many "Frenchies" die, the revolution will end ,and there will be nothing left to mark the progress we made. It is a difficult decision, but I think I'll make the right choice...

With no regrets,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

S.P.s Death Rap!

Roses are Red, and violets are blue. Oh Scarlet Pimpernel, how much do I hate you?

Up until the skies so high, you won’t know until you die.

You know your wife is going to be mad, but I don’t care if she’s sad.

The guns gonna come, and hit your bum. Oh Scarlet Pimpernel, you should run!

I don’t know if you’re Joe, but S.P. you should go! Oh, no.

Yo yo yoyoyoyo.

Scarlet Pimpernel, I don’t know if you are my foe.

Is that O.K. if I call you Joe, bro? Well… NO!

Marguerite has a big decision on her hands, and she hasn’t got it planned.

If I have it my way, you won’t know where to go, but I do! To the guillotino!

pukpicish pukpukpicish, pukpicish pukpuk picish… SP… RID (rest in death), yo!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Bonjour mes Amis!

Bonjour mes Amis! I go by the name of Chauvelin. I have been sent by the Republican Government of France on a mission; to find the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel- ohh I cringe at his name! Yes, and you, citoyenne can help me find this demmed creature. Read this wonderful blog. You will find all sorts of views on this Revolution, which in my opinion is the best thing that has ever happened to France, some current events from 2010, and some modern Pop Culture. You see, there are lots to explore-including some of these things called Web 2.0 applications or whatever…

Now, about myself. Many people have different opinions on me. Some say I am a very, VERY nice and polite gentleman, while others say I am sneaky, manipulative, an only determined to catch the Scarlet Pimpernel. Why, I have to say, I want to be THE ONE to catch him and have his dirty little head chopped off. I would say I have both of these personalities. However, I will do anything to get my way, even if it means blackmailing people and only having relationships that benefit me. For instance, I am “friends” with Marguerite. I had her “help” me find information about the Scarlet Pimpernel for the price of her brother. Ha-ha very well. VERY helpful for me! Well, enough talking about me, come read my wonderful and amazing blog!

Friday, April 2, 2010

That Demmed James Bond!!!

Have you heard of that demmed James Bond?!! I hope he goes to the guillotine. He will never be as good as me. I will always be one step ahead of him. Although he is a civil servant working in the Ministry of Defense, I'm still better,no,no, the best! He does have fantastic technology, but I have spectacular brains. I can always get some of my spies to achieve whatever I want. I have so many spies since those people are republicans. They always obey me since I am trying to get the Scarlet Pimpernel. If my spies can't help me, I will bribe someone into doing it. I am a deadly spy.
    To prove that I am better than James Bond, I will sneak into his house and steal all his spy gadgets. I will be invincible! That James Bond will be depressed, and I shall laugh while he keeps crying in his little dungeon. No one shall be taking my stardom away from me. I will be better than any other spy in the world.
    I am the best because I can bribe anyone I want to. I can make them do anything I want. If I need information, I can make someone get it for me. No one can stop me! I, Spy Chauvelin, am the best of the best.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This isn't crazy! It's progress!!!!

Cheers to France! Those bloody aristos and their caste, finally overthrown! This is the most progressive month that will ever come. I'm sure that September, 1792 will be a mark in world history. No longer are we to be kicked around. The only problem now is that demmed elusive Scarlet Pimpernel. He is ruining everything. Doesn't he know that because the monarchy was overthrown, France could start progressing. Who said cutting off those aristocratic heads is a sin? They're aristos and they deserve to die.

That demmed idiot! No matter, I will find him and watch with pleasure as his head rolls down the guillotine. Yes, that will be the day! I will stop at nothing to destroy this hazardous enemy. Some people would say "Cheer up! At least we plebeians cannot be thrashed for simply loving the daughter of an aristocrat." They say the cup is half full, but I think otherwise. It is half empty and will never be complete until we find he Scarlet Pimpernel! I will find him for France!

Democratic Health Care

Look at America and the way they vote; this is what I was fighting for and now it has spread all over the world. As you probably know the healthcare bill was just passed. I love the idea of congress being able to represent the citoyens of America. That’s what the French revolution’s all about, isn’t it? I mean, we were trying to eliminate the king so that we could have a democracy. How the Americans fought the Brits of for freedom is just what we did, and it gave them their own power. Voting… Democracy… America is great.

Don’t get me wrong I hate the things in the healthcare bill; I just love the way they decided. Who’s ever heard of raising taxes on the rich to “help” the poor? I am totally against raising taxes; I already have healthcare! What if I didn’t have healthcare? They expect me to pay a fine. They might as well give me a ticket for eating escargot. I take that back; I do not hate the bill, but just being of upper-middle class I don’t want to have to take my salary down so my taxes go down too. If I could change the healthcare bill, I would only make the ka-zillionaires have their taxes raised.

I guess the healthcare bill is okay, but the thing about American healthcare is I don’t care! I’m French and I’m living large in France. I don’t need American healthcare. I love the whole democracy thing, but France is a democracy too. Having people represent the citoyens is what’s right, and when it comes to America that’s all I care about.

Tracking Down Your Victim...

These bloody olden days... There is nothing here. Unlike the future were they have G.P.S.s. Here I have to track 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' down by foot but... With the new G.P.S.s we can track people, much like the Scarlet Pimpernel, with a electronic device that is mobile, too. You can install G.P.S.s in your mobile phone and in automobiles! I mean, I think that is pretty amazing... But not as AMAZING as me! Not to get off of topic, but... Many people say I'm mean because I'm trying to get the Scarlet Pimpernel's head chopped off in the guillotine, but I'm doing it for his sake... Not mine. But... To get back on topic, you see, I wish that guy, that invented the G.P.S, would have been about 300 years older so I could have the G.P.S. and track down the Scarlet Pimpernel, easier.
I look up G.P.S.s on this thing called the 'Internet' and it said G.P.S. stands for Global Positioning System; I didn't know that until now. It usually sells for about $179.95. So after I find and kill the Scarlet Pimpernel, I will get a BIG amount of cash. With that money I will buy- You know what... I will steal the G.P.S! But Shhhh, don't tell the police or your head and the guillotine will meet. And if you get away, I will find and track you down with my new G.P.S. So if I were you I would be on the look out!